
Board of Directors

Under the above umbrella, staff are trained to have understanding of one another’s roles enabling them to work in unsion and provide support for one another. This multi-tasking approach benefits office staff during the absence of a signficant member of the organization.

All office staff are kept informed of the industry of security provision, enabling them to have a practical understanding

of working in a security environment and the demands of those provinding same. This has created empathy between the office staff and operational staff.

Monthly Management and Review meetings are held, with the participation of all cross-section staff which include staff in the field to ensure that every single aspect is addressed.

Chairman/Managing Director – Gavesh K. Ginige (Ex. Army Major)

Mr. Ginige with his experience in the Army as a Major , subsequently Director-Operations at Monaro Security Services for a four-year period, thereafter at Master Guards Security Services for a period of two years as the Chief Operating Officer for a period of two years, is a Master in what he handles. Provide of Security Services to the Banking Sector, Garment Industry, Medical Institutions such as Hospitals, Seats of Learning, Residencies and Special Events and managing them effectively is his forte.

Directress - Niluka K.Ginige

Niluka Ginige is a senior Merchandizer in the apparel sector. She is well versed of the Adult compliance in the garment sector, She was educated at Methodist College, Colombo 3. She began to study about how to provide an excellent security service to the clients. This eventually led to a partnership with the company and was positioned as Directress. She is talented in identifying client needs providing appropriate service offerings.